NO. 765842 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PIERCE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON TIMEPAYMENT CORP, Plaintiff, v. NAPOLEON'S SWEET TREATS, LLC; MANUEL NAPOLEON; ABEGEIL NAPOLEON, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO ABEGEIL NAPOLEON and MANUEL NAPOLEON, DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this Summons; to wit sixty (60) days after April 15, 2016, and defend the entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the Complaint of Plaintiff, TimePayment Corp., and serve a copy upon the undersigned attorney for the Plaintiff, Dellwo, Roberts & Scanlon, P.S., at their office address stated below, and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the Court. The object of this action is to recover the sum of $14,955.83 plus a reasonable attorney fee in the sum of $750.00 and taxable costs. These sums are owing based upon your personal guaranty of a lease executed by Napoleon's Sweet Treats, LLC on February 5, 2014. DATED this 11 day of April, 2016. DELLWO, ROBERTS & SCANLON, P.S. /s/ Robert C. Scanlon, WSBA # 07493 Attorneys for Plaintiff West 1124 Riverside, Suite 310 Spokane, Washington 99201-1109 Tel: (509)624-4291 IDX-693477 April 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20