NO. 15-2-05814-8 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR PIERCE COUNTY STEVEN BORMAN and MICHELLE BORMAN, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, vs. LAKE VIEW LAND COMPANY, a corporation; AND ALL OTHER PERSONS CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS COMPLAINT Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND TO: Lake View Land Company and Any Person or Party Who Has an Interest in the Real Property You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after the 17th day of February, 2015, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs, STEVE BORMAN and MICHELLE BORMAN, husband and wife, and serve a copy of your answer upon the attorneys for the plaintiff, Reuben Schutz of Gordon Thomas Honeywell LLP, 1201 Pacific Avenue, Suite 2100, P.O. Box 1157, Tacoma, Washington 98401-1157; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of the Pierce County Superior Court. This action is being brought to quiet title to the following described real property situated in Pierce County, Washington: The Southeasterly 30 feet of the following: Commencing 1311.81 feet east of the Northwest corner of Section 12, Township 19 North, Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian in Pierce County, Washington; thence South 50 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence East 156.13 feet; thence South 722.47 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line of Northern Pacific Railway as established in instrument recorded under Recording Number 38113; thence South 49 degrees 39' West 204.87 feet; thence North 856.25 feet to the point of beginning. Situate in the County of Pierce, State of Washington. Dated this day of February, 2015. GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL LLP Reuben Schutz, WSBA No. Attorney for Plaintiffs February 17, 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24