Metro Parks Tacoma announced today it is expanding permit opportunities for food and beverage vendors to provide services to parks without permanent concessions facilities. Metro Parks is currently accepting permit applications from vendors interested in participating in the pilot program this summer.
“We receive many inquiries from the public requesting access to concession services at more parks,” said Shon Sylvia, Director of Recreation and Community Services. “Given that need, we have worked with the City of Tacoma and Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department to launch this new program at parks with high traffic and appropriate amenities.”
While several larger parks within the district have facilities to offer food and other concessions, the parks included in the pilot program are highly used parks that don’t have permanent spaces to house those services. Providing permits for concession vending carts provides an opportunity to make the services available during summer months when park usage is at its peak. Proposals will be considered for permitted operations at Wright Park, Jefferson Park, South Park, Dash Point Park, Norpoint Park, McKinley Playfield, and Portland Avenue Park.
Vendors meeting proper qualifications will be issued permits authorizing them to sell pre-packaged food and beverage items to park patrons. Vendors who meet or exceed healthy food and beverage standards by offering a high percentage of healthy food alternatives will receive a discounted operating rate.
Permit applications are now being accepted and monthly permits will be issued beginning this month. All parties interested in participating in the program this summer can contact Metro Parks at (253) 305-1022 for program information and a permit application.