LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF TACOMA, WASHINGTON Notice is hereby given that the Tacoma City Council, at its regular City Council meeting of Tuesday, February 14, 2017, passed the following resolution and ordinance. The summary of the contents of said resolution and ordinances, consisting of the title, are as follows: Resolution No. 39648 A resolution setting Thursday, March 23, 2017, at 1:30 p.m., as the date for a hearing by the Hearing Examiner on the request to vacate a portion of the air rights of Court E, lying between South 15th and South 17th Streets, for balconies in an apartment development. (Napoleon Group, LLC; File No. 124.1376) Ordinance No. 28407 An ordinance vacating the east six feet of South Yakima Avenue, adjacent to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, for approximately 150 feet of the block between South 15th and South 16th Streets, to cure an existing encroachment. (St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church; File No. 124.1370) Ordinance No. 28409 An ordinance amending Subtitles 16A and 16B, of the Municipal Code, relating to Cable, Open Video, Private Communications, and Telecommunication Systems, to update language to reflect current franchise insurance requirements. The full text of the above resolution and ordinances may be viewed online at the following website, or at the Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market Street, Room 11. You may also request an electronic copy without charge, please contact the Tacoma City Clerk's Office at (253) 591-5505. Doris Sorum, City Clerk IDX-744093 Published in the Tacoma Daily Index on Thursday, February 16, 2017.