Second District Representatives Jim McCune and Tom Campbell recently announced that the House of Representatives has approved a bill authorizing a $2.9 million loan toward the complete reconstruction of the Canyon Road East-176th Street East intersection, as well as an $807,500 loan for the installation of a conventional water filtration plant in Eatonville.
House Bill 1049 approves the 2005 list of local government infrastructure projects funded under the Public Works Trust Fund program. The list includes 64 projects totaling $155 million. The measure passed unanimously and now moves on to the Senate.
The reconstruction of the Canyon Road East-176th Street East intersection will include additional travel lanes in each direction, a new traffic signal, and street lights.
McCune, R-Graham, is pleased with the road allocation. These funds will go a long way to increasing the carrying capacity of the roads and will allow economic development efforts in the area to move forward. This is so important because the region just keeps growing, he said.
Campbell, R-Roy, has spent many years working to relieve congestion and improve safety in the area. Hes glad to see more money become available.
“Since I was appointed to the House Transportation Committee I’ve been able to steer more funding toward solutions to the choke points and trouble spots in the area, but there’s only so much money available in the state transportation budget. This can only help alleviate the problems with that intersection,” Campbell said.
Enhancements to Eatonvilles water filtration system include the construction of a membrane filtration system, the installation of a booster pump station and basin modifications. The existing disinfection system will continue to be used. Im excited for Eatonville, said McCune. This project is long overdue.
The Public Works Trust Fund was created by the Legislature in 1985 to provide a source of loan funds to assist local governments and special purpose districts with infrastructure projects. The Public Works Board, housed within the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, makes low-interest or interest-free loans from the account to finance the repair, replacement or improvement of a variety of public works projects, including bridges, roads, water and sewage systems, and solid waste and recycling facilities.