Governor seeks tax filing extensions for businesses affected by severe winter storm

Gov. Chris Gregoire has asked the Washington State Department of Revenue to grant tax return filing extensions to Washington businesses affected by the recent winter storm.

“The heavy snowfall and freezing rain resulted in road conditions and power outages that clearly affected the ability of some businesses to file their state excise tax returns on time,” Gregoire said. “I have asked DOR to grant filing extensions to these businesses, and to waive penalties for those unable to meet the deadline. This request won’t impact the state’s tax collections. It merely pushes it back a bit to give our business owners who need it a much needed break.”

Revenue Director Brad Flaherty said businesses need to request the extension prior to the Jan. 25 due date for monthly filers or the Jan. 31 due date for quarterly and annual filers.

“We realize this is short notice for monthly filers. A business that is not able to request an extension prior to the due date may still request a penalty waiver for late filing penalties due to circumstances beyond their control,” Flaherty added.

Businesses should call the Department at 1-800-647-7706 to request an extension. Penalty waivers must be requested in writing and can be submitted in the department’s electronic filing system or e-mailed to .