First Tacoma Latino Business Day Sept. 20

On Tues., Sept. 20, the Tacoma-Pierce County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will host their first Latino Business Day at the Tacoma Art Museum. This event is an opportunity to network with national, regional and local companies plus non-profit, government, cultural, media and faith-based organizations, as well as many more while interacting and learning more about the fast growing Latino market in Pierce County. The event will be held at the Tacoma Art Museum, 1701 Pacific Ave., and the doors will open at 7:30 a.m. with a welcome from Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy at 8 a.m. Other speakers include Hector Maldonado from the US Census on the growth of the Latino population in Pierce County, a panel of business professionals and Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland. For more information, visit the Tacoma-Pierce County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Web site at .