City of Tacoma: Watch for street flooding as snow begins to melt

As temperatures warm and snow begins to melt over the next several days, the City of Tacoma says be aware of possible street flooding in your neighborhood and as you drive around town.

While surface water crews will be working to keep the City’s 22,000-plus storm drains working properly, residents can help prevent snow-related street flooding by clearing snow, ice and other debris away from storm drains near their homes or businesses.

The City offers the following tips:

— Use a hoe, shovel, rake or stick when clearing snow and debris from storm drains.

— Do not wade into or drive through standing water.

— Be cautious of passing traffic, especially on busy streets where vehicles could lose control in large amounts of snow, ice or standing water.

If safety precautions prevent you from being able to clear snow away from a nearby storm drain, watch for problems and report any street flooding immediately. To report flooding, call (253) 591-5585.