The South 9th Street project in Downtown Tacoma will resume on Mon., Jan. 9. Work will begin with the demolition of the sidewalk adjacent to 302 S. 9th St. and will then progress uphill to the corner of South 9th Street and Market Street. Traffic control will be in place on Thurs., Jan. 5 and Fri., Jan. 6. The revisions will include closing the two eastbound lanes (downhill). The remaining westbound lanes (uphill) will be reconfigured to provide one traffic lane in each direction. The South 9th Street improvement project will reconstruct South 9th Street from Market Street to Commerce Street. Improvements will include new sidewalks, crosswalks, bulb outs and a new cement concrete roadway surface. For more information about the project, visit .
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City of Tacoma: South 9th Street construction project begins Sept. 16 —
City of Tacoma: South 9th Street construction project delayed —
South 9th Street construction begins Sept. 12 —