Tacoma City Council
Study Session
Noon, Tuesday, June 3, 2003
Room 16
Tacoma Municipal Building North
728 St. Helens Ave.
Budget status review
The City Council will take a look at Tacomas bottom line. Diane Supler, director of the Office of Management, Budget and Analysis, will discuss the status of revenue and expenses as compared to actual revenue and expenses for the first quarter of 2003. Supler will report on the General Fund and significant changes in other funds. The public may attend, but the council will not take comment.
Tacoma City Council
Regular Meeting
5 p.m., Tuesday, June 3, 2003
Council Chambers
Tacoma Municipal Building
747 Market St.
Anti-discrimination policy changes
The Human Rights Commission has recommended the City Council revise the citys anti-discrimination policy. The most notable recommendation would change the definition of employer from one employee to eight or more – bringing it in line with Washington states definition. Additional recommendations include exempting single-sex living facilities, such as group homes and dormitories, from the code and allowing post-secondary students to serve on the Human Rights Commission. The council will take public comment on the measure, but will vote at a later date.
Domestic violence grant
With the City Councils approval, the Tacoma Police Department will receive more than $38,000 to help train Tacoma and Pierce County law enforcement officers in domestic violence and special assault investigation. This would be the sixth year of STOP Grant funding if the City Council approves the ordinance. Citizens can comment on the ordinance. The council expects to vote June 10.
Cheney Stadium cell tower
Will Cheney Stadium soon get more from Voicestream PCS? The City Council will decide when it votes on a request to allow the company to build a cell tower on unimproved property near Cheney Stadium. The proposed agreement would bring in more than $15,000 per year – most of which would go toward management and operations of Cheney Stadium. The proposal calls for an initial five-year lease, with two automatic five-year renewal periods and a stipulation for relocation if the city needs the property for public use. Citizens may comment on the proposal before the Council votes.
Budget amendments review
The City Council will consider amending the 2003-2004 biennial budget, with more money directed to the Superfund cleanup on the Thea Foss and Middle Waterways and increased revenue for streetlight improvements and the police facility. The budget amendment would re-appropriate 2001-2002 obligations to the current budget period as well as provide funding for a few new issues. The council will take comment and expects to vote June 10.
Grant funds for Foss cleanup
The City Council will take public comment and vote on a resolution to receive a $3 million state Department of Ecology grant to offset cleanup costs in the Thea Foss and Wheeler-Osgood Waterways. The cleanup process – which began in December 2002 and will resume in the summer 2003 – should take three years. The total cost of the project is estimated at $75 million.