City has plenty of H2O for summer, Tacoma Water says

Tacoma has plenty of water for summer watering and backyard pools. In fact, twice as much water as last year.
“That’s because the snowpack in the Green River watershed is 150 percent of normal; the precipitation through the winter and spring, 116 percent of normal,” according to Ken Merry, Tacoma water superintendent.
In a special report to Public Utility Board members last week, Merry noted that while customers are advised to continue to use water wisely, they need not be concerned with the water shortages that were publicized last year.
“The in-town wells are in good shape as well,” Merry added.
“Due to the commendable water conservation our customers achieved last year, we hardly used any water from the wells at all last summer,” he said. “This means they’re full and available for use to meet summer watering demands if they’re needed.”
Merry said that presently the National Weather Service is forecasting a warmer than normal summer season.