Celebrate Union Station's centennial May 1

The U.S. General Services Administration and the City of Tacoma will commemorate the one-hundredth anniversary of the opening of Tacoma Union Station at 1 p.m, on Sun., May 1, according to Historic Tacoma. As the western terminus for the Northern Pacific railroad, Union Station has played a major role in Tacoma’s history. Moreover, the conversion of the station into a Federal Courthouse in 1993 provided the impetus for the revitalization of downtown Tacoma. Following the ceremony in the station’s rotunda, a series of panel discussions will be held at the Washington State History Museum. These panels will focus on Tacoma’s history with the railroads, the revitalization of downtown Tacoma, and Tacoma’s history of diversity. Both the ceremony and the panel discussions are open to the public and free. Contact Ross Buffington at (253) 931-7085 for more information. Similarly, This month “CityScape” has a feature on Union Station. For more information, visit http://www.cityoftacoma.org/Page.aspx?hid=10044 .