20 years later, Pierce County completes 112th Street East road project

Pierce County officials are preparing to mark the completion of a series of road projects that spanned nearly five miles and 20 years during a ribbon-cutting ceremony later this month.

Road work along the 112th Street East corridor between 18th Avenue East and 86th Avenue East was completed in five major segments that involved widening portions of the roadway to add lanes, improving street lighting and traffic signals, and adding sidewalks, gutters and curbs. Design work on the first project, which stretched from 18th Avenue East to Waller Road East, started in 1993 and went to construction in 1996. The final project, which stretched from Woodland Avenue East to 86th Avenue East, was completed this year.

The work cost $43.4 million. Funding came from a combination of Transportation Improvement Board funds, County Road Funds, a Public Works Trust Fund loan, real estate excise taxes and bonds, developer funds (State Environmental Policy Act mitigation contributions), and vehicle license fees.

The corridor improvements included several firsts for the county. The first underground water quality vault was installed to treat and clean stormwater. Crews also removed many concrete panels from the roadway, replacing them with asphalt. Similar replacements were ultimately made around the county. Finally, this was one of the first large-scale corridor projects that included an urban roadway section with curbs, gutters, and sidewalks to allow expanded access for pedestrians and bicyclists.

“The improvements will relieve traffic congestion, improve connectivity and public safety, and add access for pedestrians and bicyclists,” said Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy. “We are pleased with the results of more than 20 years of effort by our employees, partners and contractors.”

Pierce County residents are invited to celebrate the project completion during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Weds., May 29 at 10 a.m. at the Woodland Elementary School field, located at 7707 112th St. East, in Puyallup. Speakers will include McCarthy, Pierce County Council Chair Joyce McDonald (District 2), Pierce County Councilmember Rick Talbert (District 5), Pierce County Public Works and Utilities Director Brian Ziegler, and Transportation Improvement Board Executive Director Steve Gorcester. Parking is limited at the school. Attendees are encouraged to carpool.