Stadium Video celebrates 10 years

Stadium Video will hold a 10th anniversary celebration, this Saturday, Dec. 6 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at its store located at North 1st and Broadway, across from Stadium High School.

The celebration will include presentations by store owner Marty Campbell, City Councilman Bill Evans and the unveiling of a commemorative life-size mural.

In a time when the Internet and DVDs are changing the video industry and Blockbuster stores are steep competition for local businesses, Stadium Video has carved a unique niche.

“”Stadium Video has more foreign movies than the nearest Blockbuster has films,”” said store owner Marty Campbell. “It is Washington’’s second largest video store trailing only Scarecrow Video, one of the top stores in the nation. If one of our customers watched three of our movies a day, everyday, it would take 20 years to watch all of our movies, provided that we never added another film. “If we laid all of our movies end-to end, they would cover more than two and a half miles from our store to the Tacoma Dome.””