City Council to vote on $1.25M for Tacoma bike, pedestrian trail

A plan to create a 13-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail linking Tacoma’s South End to Tacoma’s North End is expected to receive a financial boost later this month when Tacoma City Council votes on a resolution to accept a $1 million grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation, and spend an additional $250,000 in matching funds for the project.

The trail would connect South 96th Street and Park Avenue to North 26th Street and Pearl Street. The city announced it received the award earlier this year.

“This project is the top implementation priority identified in Tacoma’s Mobility Master Plan, adopted by the City Council on June 15, 2010, and is Tacoma’s blueprint for the creation of a system of bicycle and pedestrian improvements citywide which, at full build-out, will make biking and walking safer and more practical transportation options,” wrote Tacoma transportation coordinator Diane Wiatr in documents supporting the resolution.

Tacoma City Council is tentatively scheduled to vote on the resolution during its meeting on Tues., Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. in City Council Chambers on the first floor of the Tacoma Municipal Building, located at 747 Market Street. Council meetings are streamed live online at and broadcast live on TV Tacoma.